
“Get Real!”

“People who urge you to be realistic generally want you to accept their definition of reality.”


Being “realistic” describes someone with a good grip on a particular situation; who clearly understands what can or can’t be done. For instance, a person who after trying and trying can’t even carry a tune, must sooner or later acknowledge he or she is not going to be a virtuoso tenor or soprano (but can still shrill out a shower-time aria anytime he or she feels artistically inclined). That to me is being really “realistic.”

The difference, of course, is even TRYING to sing first – thinking positively, taking lessons, enthusiastically practicing several times a day…soothing that inevitable sore throat…but then getting back to those breathing exercises, scales, and mock performances.

NOT giving up too soon!

Sadly, most potentially talented people don’t even open their mouth, because of their (usually unsubstantiated) personal beliefs about themselves (I can’t sing… I don’t like opera… I’m not Italian… etc.). Or worse, letting others define them and their rightful place in life’s pecking order. Too many people measure what is “realistic” based on what they can see, hear, smell, touch or taste. If they can’t see it or touch it, it can’t possibly exist! In such cases, what seems “sensible” is likely limited, thus little or no progress takes place.

Consider these “realities” before giving in or giving up:

  • A human can hold his breath for about a minute, but a beaver can hold his for up to 45.
  • Sharks regrow an entire set of teeth in less than ten days.
  • Cats see six times better than humans, and have perfect vision in darkness.
  • The majority of newlyweds prefer to have two children in their lifetime, yet a female mackerel can lay up to 500,000 eggs at a single time.
  • Ants don’t sleep at all in their entire lifetime.

The list of “insensibilities” seems endless. Are ants and animals more “realistic” since their senses can pick up more? You hear “impossible” statements about the real estate business – how complicated or difficult it is to penetrate the downtown high-rise market, for example. How much can a newbie “realistically” expect from cold calling, or compete against the “big guys?” But what seems impossible to many is quite possible for all of us IF we change our frame of reference, and (in many cases) our personal belief systems.  Know what you can do right now, then stretch those expectations beyond what’s deemed “normal” by everyone else. Challenge yourself. Try new things – do your best at them, but recognize that only a few tries will not be enough. Keep at it! Giving up should be your last resort. Go after impossible things as if they are essential (critical)… because they are. You’ll prove yourself right most every time.

“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” 

~Audrey Hepburn